SMS Updates for IIT Roorkee News

Hi buddies!!

This time I am here with a new SMS solution. This is similar to the first one. This is for automatic SMS updates for the News Board at IIT Roorkee website. I found out that, although most of news come up on our internal online notice board, a few important ones come up on this board. Since news over here are not so frequent, no body, forget regularly, ever cares to check this board. So I thought of bringing up a automatic daily checker script, which checks up the notice board for new news and notifis by SMS on your mobile. Deploying this is almost similar to the first one.

At present I am just giving the links to script:

Just follow the steps given on my first post to setup the calender and the triggers.
Once you are done, just sit back and relax, you will get all your notification on your mobile!!

If you like it do not forget to share this blog!!


  1. Thanks for this wonderful blog. Looking to send sms in bulk then there is Bulk SMS Service Provider in India from there you can send sms in bulk at fair price.

  2. MsgClub is providing quality business Bulk SMS Service to maintain our top-position is the SMS industry as a premium and top-class bulk SMS gateway provider in India.

  3. This is a great idea for keeping up with important news from IIT Roorkee.


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